Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It Snowed

Anyone that has ever lived in Texas will totally understand why I'm excited about these pictures. We heard it sleeting outside and then it went quiet so we opened the front door and saw the most beautiful big snow flakes. That is all it took 2 minutes later the kids were decked out and outside having snow ball fights with the little snow they had off of cars, grill and backyard table.
the grill self explanatory
The girls freezing
Tate he was soooo excited..it doesn't take alot obviously
before it came down


The Baumanns said...

Whoa...that really is something getting snow in Texas! Makes it feel more like Christmas, doesn't it? We had our first winter snowfall yesterday and it was so beautiful.

Regina said...

Where the heck was I?? Can you please call me the next time it snows so I dont miss it again!

the tatsaks said...

This must be funny to read for someone who lives somewhere that it actually snows!